Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pretty Bouquets

The kids picked these the other day when they had a few friends over....

Look Jeff! Your Home-made "deer off" mixture worked! The deer never touched them!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day!

Alright, I know, I know! I haven't blogged in a week! A lot has happened! Thursday I had a dear friend come to my house and do a Premier Jewelry party. This is a Christian rooted company, and a family friend is starting her own business selling it. It is beautiful and reasonably priced! After my party was done,I got to pick from $135 in free jewelry!! Woo hoo!
Then Friday we left for a camping weekend, which my Hunky Hubby posted about here. We had a great time! We tried out our camper for the very first time. The boys slept wonderfully in it, despite my fears of waking up before the birds!

We left the campsite Sunday eve, because on Monday, Jeff had to drive down to the shore to his Aunt's house to pick up a couch from them.

The picture doesn't really do it justice, but it is a nice tan leather that matches our new paint color in the living room much better than our old couch. (Which held on for ten years, and was a very hardy couch!) Here's a pic of what the old set looked like. grey plaid. We still have the chair, but eventually we'd like to get a nice recliner for that corner.

While Jeff was traveling, I took the boys to a Memorial Day parade, where we met up with some of their friends. They had a great time!

They liked these tractors. I parked on a side street right next to them. The boys look so small by them!

Here come the fire trucks! The best part was that they throw candy to the kids! Watching the kids scramble around for the candy when it hits the ground is pretty funny.

Here is Sean eating a Tootsie Roll.( One of the longer ones). Notice he is eating it like corn on the cob. I never thought of trying it that way.

Here are all the kids watching the parade, while Sean sits on the bench still working on his precious tootsie roll.

I'd say it was a great weekend for everyone!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Some New Reading Material

We went to the library and found some great new books! I think we grabbed about 6 or 7 today. One of them was called "I'm Mighty!"

This one is by the same author of the other book we love...."I Stink!" (see my prior post about that cool book here)This one is fun too. We were excited that we found it. The boys said, "It's I stink's friend!"
Two others we picked up were:

These were both very cute also. The boys liked the one where the llama had enough of shopping with his mom and threw a fit by throwing everything out of the shopping cart! Yes, it is very funny on paper. Lucky for them they haven't done that!

Here's a very rare picture of the two older ones reading together. I'll tell ya, when they fight, they fight! But when they are nice to each other it is very sweet. I was lucky to capture this moment.

Then there's Sean, who just kept himself busy trying to escape the camera. I got him, though! And what a smile!

Then they all decided to take off. Oh well, It was nice while it lasted!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Having three boys should make pretty much ALL my future Mother's Days interesting (to say the least).
I just hope(and pray) that none of my boys sing this one for me......

That said, here is one that made me cry. It was too adorable.......

Here is what Ryan (5) said at his M-Day party at school when asked:
"What does your Mommy do all day?"
"She washes dishes, she makes dinner, takes us to the zoo, she makes breakfast, she washes the house inside, she makes us lunch, takes a nap, she colors and plays with us."
(I think I have only taken them to the zoo once! Likewise for the nap!)

After all the hard work, there is nothing that fills my heart more than the " I love you, Mom"s. It makes it all worth it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Going Batty!

If you read Jeff's blog lately, you know Kevin is into Batman! Lucky me, I get to post about bats too!

You see this black speck? You guessed it! Say hello to our icky friend. Can't see it too well, eh?
How's this....

You can see he is hanging upside down on our door. See the little claws? See the little ears?
how about this.....

I don't really like the side view any better. Needless to say, After I discovered him, I called the boys to come see and I got up close for these shots. When you have all boys, you are forced to muster up some extra bravery when things like this happen. I hope it doesn't happen again!

Later on, Ryan and I were on the other side of the house and the bat came around and started flying all crazy-like! He was dive-bombing us and circling around us. If the neighbors saw it, they would have thought we were nuts! We ended up running down the driveway screaming!

I think I have had enough of bats for a while!

Except for this one.....

This one is much much cuter!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Conversation with Kevin........

Kevin: "Mommy, what are crayons made out of?"
Mom: "Colored wax."
Kevin: "Ear wax?"
Mom: "No, Kevin, like candles."
Kevin: "What are stingrays made of?"
Mom: "What are what made of?"
Kevin: "Stingrays."
Mom: " A Stingray is a kind of a fish."
Kevin: "And they don't have any bones."
Mom: "Uh, I dunno."
Kevin: "Mommy, what are houses made of?"
Mom: "Wood."
Kevin: "What else?"
Mom: "Metal."
Kevin: "What are the chimneys made of?"
Mom: "Bricks."
Kevin: "What are the windows made of?"
Mom: "Glass."
Kevin: "And what are those lines across the windows?"
Mom: "Uh...Window panes."
Kevin: "Because they pain to breathe."
Mom: "No, Kevin. Are you done pooping now? It's time for bed."

Monday, May 5, 2008

Celebremos! Es El Cinco De Mayo!

I figured since it was Cinco De Mayo, it was a good excuse to "spice up" dinner! And have a little fun!

Our Cinco De Mayo Dinner Included:

Soft and Hard beef tacos w/ all the fixins
Spanish Rice
Tostitos & Salsa
Plantain chips
Coconut Soda
Pineapple Soda
And for Dessert: Chocolate Cupcakes.

Unfortunately we did not have any good music to play with dinner. The only thing I could find in Jeff's collection was Reggae or Luau. Not really gonna do it. That's ok. We had a great dinner!
Anybody want to share how you celebrated?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Turn It Up!

So I was driving along the other day, minding my own business, listening to my WOW worship cd, when from the back seat I hear...."Mommy, can you play another cd?" "Sure", I said. So I put in some other cd ( obviously it wasn't a good choice), because I heard..."no, Mommy. Put on some fancy music!"
Ah! ok....(what should I put on?)
So I decided to put in Jeff's cd of this...

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw a huge smile, and heard...." Yeah! That's fancy!!!"

Sorry all you SRV fans, he is now "fancy". Who knew?

Then when we got home, I HAD to bring it inside to listen to it some more. Here is what happened....

The dancing pajamas got a little bit crazy, but we had a lot of fun! Thankfully no lamps were knocked over in the process.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

PuertoRico AGAIN!!

Here's some more pictures for ya!

I think this is called an Agava Cactus.

This flower is from the Maga tree.

Oops! That's my strawberry Daiquiri! Moving on......
Some more birds:

This Pelican was diving for fish right in front of us!

The Magnificent Frigate Bird. ( No, I'm mot making that up. It's really the name of it!)

I love the colors of the buildings!

This is the best one of all!