Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Cold Weather and Catastrophy
So what's a mom to do when it's that cold out and you have a house full of rambunctious boys?
A. get silly
B. get creative
C. go crazy??
D. get crazy glue???
E. Pray!
After considering the above options, I have decided I am way too cranky and hormonal at this time to successfully accomplish option "A", and probably also "B". Option "C" looks pretty good from here. I'm all out of option "D". That leaves option "E". This would be the best one. God's Word tells us to "pray without ceasing". This is actually very easy, and takes very little effort. You can also do many other tasks while praying at the same time! This is great for those of us who LOVE to multi-task! That's me!
On a lighter note.....what do you do when you are about to be hit by a piece of steel the size of a small bus, filled with radioactive jet fuel, approaching at alarming speeds? Hmm. Let us ponder this.......
The newspaper on Monday stated that there is such a piece of metal (a spy satellite), that has "fallen" out of orbit and is hurdling towards the Earth. It is said that it could hit the Earth sometime in February or March. Where? Noone is certain. Great. The good news is that other satellites have fallen to Earth and done relatively little damage. That's good. The bad news is if the radioactive "stuff" inside should come in contact with people, it can be of great consequence. Not good.
Well, God's Word also tells us not to worry. Again I am back to option "E" and I am sure today and the next and the next will be just fine. I'm thankful for every day the Lord gives me and my family. Even if it is cold.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Party people in the house!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"Mommy, there are consequences in cows!"-----really?
"I don't want to brush my teeth with a stinker!"----is that right?
"neenah-nana"----translation: Mr. Noodle has a banana.
Joke of the day, and my personal favorite: If they are called "seagulls" because they fly over the sea, then what are they called when they fly over the bay?
Bagels! Wooooh! Gets me every time!
Much love from all of us! Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Yesterday was the 35th anniversary March For Life in Washington DC. Thousands of people gather every year to try to send a message to our lawmakers to overturn Roe-v-Wade, which currently makes abortion legal, and to uphold the sanctity of human life. I went for the first yr with a group from our church. It was a long bus ride there and back. The Lord smiled down on us providing clear weather. It was very cold but the walking kept us warm. The crowd marched from the Mall up to the top of the hill between the Capitol and the Supreme Court, where we stopped to pray. It was a wonderful and moving experience.
As we were ready to leave, it started to sprinkle a bit but the sun was still shining, we turned and saw a brilliant double rainbow! What a fantastic finale! Thank You Lord.
Monday, January 21, 2008
The wheels on the bus go round and round....
Well, Kevin is getting over his bout with pink eye, but Sean has it again! Ryan seems to be fighting it off pretty well, along with Jeff and myself. We called the dr and asked for more drops just in case we start showing signs in the coming days.
I am trying to keep up with the laundry, continually washing sheets, and towels, and blankets, etc. Trying to wash away our eye troubles! We are feeling a bit cooped up. It is too cold to play outside, a balmy 20 degrees. There is not nearly enough playdoh in the house. Oh well, could be worse!
Here's a cute video for your enjoyment! It cheered me up! Don't worry, be happy! :)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Manly stuff...
Last weekend, I cleaned off my work bench. I added a pegboard for tool storage, and what was once a cluttered pile of tool mess has turned into this...
Also, for Christmas, my parents gave me a gun cabinet. Here it is...(Thanks Mom & Dad!!)
Such a manly basement!!!
I also set up an area in the garage to hang my tree stand (bow season is now over :( no deer this year), my bow and arrows, and a deer. Hopefully I'll use the deer hanger next year. I would post a picture of that, but it's too cold to go outside right now. Maybe later...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Eyes Have it!
we'll keep you posted.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Breathe Deep
Sean has had his fair share of sickness this winter to say the least and it is still ONLY January.
During Christmas he had Bronchitis, immediately followed by a pretty nasty sinus infection. Only a week after he was off the antibiotics, he was afflicted with "pink eye". This was especially fun, since Jeff and I had to hold him down to administer treatment. One of us would sit on his legs while the other would hold his arms and pry his eyes open, so the one sitting on him could squeeze in the drops.
Whatever picture you may be imagining right now is probably accurate.
So today's Dr visit was because he seemed to me to have bronchitis again, but the dr doesn't seem to think so.
FYI: Mothers don't like it when dr's tell them something different than what they think is wrong with their precious child.
So.... the Dr. has ordered some breathing treatments to see if they "do it". Okee dokee!
Here is a picture of my sweet Seanie. As soon as I turned the machine on, he picked up the mask and covered his face with it. So happy to oblige! He stood in the livingroom for the entire time just having a blast!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Kevin turned the big 04 today! We can't believe he is 4. How did this happen? If he is four years older.....that means we are four years older too! Rats.
Well, he was a very happy birthday boy today. We had a busy day, but managed to have a few surprises here and there, and some "present time". Here is a sampling of what he opened...
New CARS pajamas! And some new Radiator Springs friends! We can't stop til we have them all! Hee Hee! Anyway, We are so thankful for Kevin and can't imagine our life without him. He is a sweet and kind angel, full of generosity and Love. He has a very big heart, and is without a doubt a most precious gift! Plus he gives good hugs and he is a dynamite dancer to boot!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Oh, what a beautiful mooorning!
Today was a bit of a rough go, as it tends to be on school mornings. Here is a tasty tid bit of the excitement which ensued BEFORE 7am:
5:30 Sean up.
watched a little Elmo: "flowers, bananas & hair".
6:00 made Sean an egg, which when done cooking, did not want.
6:15 Ryan and Kevin up.
6:30 poured cereal for boys: Ryan's choice: frosted shredded wheat. dry. (I know)
Kevin's choice: cinn. toast crunch w/ milk
6:40 Sean crying and whining. won't stop. I don't know what he wants. he doesn't know either. I think it wouldn't seem so loud, if only I'd poured that first cup of coffee....
6:45 Kevin joins the whine/cry, as he has dripped a small drop of milk on the table, (since he scrapes the cereal off the spoon with his teeth which is inducive to dripping). Because of his crying he is now choking/ gagging on a cinnamon swirled, sugar crusted toast square. At the same time Sean is still crying and now Ryan is asking repeatedly for a drink. ( I guess the dry shards of hay finally got to him).
6:50 Everyone ok? good. poured some cereal for Sean. It seems all he wanted was what his brothers were having. cereal. ok.
6:55 Terrifying shrill screams of fear and pain are heard from the living room, as Daddy attempts to remove the splinter in Ryan's pinkie finger in a most efficient, yet somewhat speedy process since he will have to leave for school shortly and still has not finished getting dressed, making his lunch, shaving his face, and warming up the car...
7:00 Daddy kisses everyone and runs out the door. Things start to calm down a bit. The door opens....across the kitchen I hear: " Is there an ice scraper in here anywhere????"
I'm sure the rest of the day will be much smoother sailing. right?
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us REJOICE and be glad in it!"
Monday, January 14, 2008
Why Boys are more BETTER Than Girls!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Mommy, what can we do that's fun???
Friday, January 11, 2008
Rainy Day Torture
This is one of the reasons why it is the crazy bus. I definately did not make enough coffee today...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Wake me up!
Monday, January 7, 2008
I'm Melting!........
Sunday, January 6, 2008
New living room colors
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A Sad Day
Friday, January 4, 2008
Then I woke up. It was really toys crashing in the other room. The sand underfoot was the million crumbs I had forgotten to sweep up yesterday, and also after clearing my eyes, it seemed the floor had a bit of....snow? no, it was those crazy white dots from the FLOAM they had played with.
A strange smell came drifting through the room, but alas, it was not the aroma of a freshly poured Pina Colada, but rather My beautiful 18 month old's first accomplishment of the day.
Ahhh. It is a great day. I have a Mops meeting today! So after we make some more crumbs from breakfast ( which I will not sweep because I will be in too much of a hurry to leave for mops), we will have fun with friends, come home, have a great lunch ( with more crumbs), and then play with some more playdoh and floam.
Life is good!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Recently, Sean has earned the nickname "Sean-zilla" for his mad skill in the art of destruction. Especially destroying things that his older brothers have built and don't want destroyed.
For your enjoyment, here is a Seanzilla sequence...(imagine little tiny people running out of the block building shouting "AHHHHHH, SEAN-ZIRRA!!")
here's the approach... here's the swing....
Here's THE DESTRUCTION!!!!Also, we had one last snow for 2007. Here's the view from the front deck at Casa de Colarusso.
We hope you had a great Christmas and may God Bless all of you in 2008!!