Monday, October 13, 2008

The Pneumonia Wars

This particular adventure has gone far enough. The ride stops here. I am getting off!
First Ryan had pneumonia, now both Kevin and Sean have it! I think finally, after going back and forth to the Dr's office a few(too many)times, we have the right medications to take care of this.
I hope.
The boys have been pushing through, bless their little hearts. They are very resilient. More so than myself, probably. And little Kev still makes me laugh. At first when we thought he just had bronchitis, he was telling everyone he had "brown-chitis". I thought that was very cute.
Here's another one from Kev:
Scenario: Mommy sees Kev watching movie intently while sucking on his fingers(just as intently)
Mommy says: "Hey Kevin. Those fingers taste good?"
Kevin takes them out of his mouth. Smiles and says, "Tastes like chicken."
I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair.
Where do they get this stuff?
Hopefully everyone will be back up and running by the end of the week! I'll keep you posted on our progress and any other good "Kev-isms"!


Jen said...

Oh Danielle :(

Let's pray its all getting totally out of everyone's system so you have a healthy entire winter!

As for funny=man Kevin, that is our C - it must be a second born son thing - I actually write e-mails almost daily to my family with "The C funny of the day!"

I'll be praying for you friend!

Laurie said...

You certainly have had a rough time the past month. Praying everyone is healthy soon and that they stay healthy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys!

Bill said...

Maybe Kev had just eaten chicken?
You know..."finger lickin good"?

Ryan cracked me up at his b'day party when he said (of me) "You gotta watch Pop-Pop...he's always up to something".

I'm looking forward to hearing Seannie's witt!

PopPop C

Liz said...

Hi, yeah we saw Jeff on Sunday, and he told us the boys had it now. We have been praying for you all..I know how hard it is when the kids are sick! I sure hope to see you soon...maybe at MOPS? Love, Liz