Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Real Life!

Ok, I've been seeing this on some other mommy blogs, and I have to try it! "Real Life Thursday" I missed the one from last week-sorry-it was a good one. Basically the idea is to take pictures of the "list of things" they give you-THE WAY THEY ARE. (no primping) so as to appreciate it as "Real Life".
Here it is for this week. Enjoy!

1. Curb Appeal

There is supposed to be a picture of our house here, but it is nighttime right now. (oops, should have done this earlier!) So I will put up a picture tomorrow!
2. Junk Drawer
This actually is not too messy. Usually where I keep tape, crazy glue, some ribbon and envelopes. I'm not sure why there is a picture of my husband in 6th grade there, but it's cute!
The yellow box is smoke bombs-my hunky hubby is going to use them to smoke out a ground hog, and then , well, you know the rest.
Moving on.......
3. From Whence I blog
Well, there it is. It's in our spare room, in the basement.
4. Favorite Jewelry
Ok, many of you saw one of my recent posts regarding my jewelry party where I earned free jewelry. I have to say, I did get a lot of really great pieces, but this tops them all! Hasn't lost an ounce of sparkle in 10 years!

5. My Best Feature
Here is what my hubby thinks is one of the best: My jaw line, neck and shoulders area! I wouldn't let him take a picture of anything else.
Anyway, so that's it for this Thursday! I can't wait to see what's on for next week!
If any of you would like to check out Farm Fresh where I found this, she's at: She has her own Real Life Thursday posted and if you scroll down and click on "mr Linky" you can see many others!


Unknown said...

That is a great best feature! Beautiful rings.

So glad you came over to play!

Oh I'm loving those strawberries too! Yum.

Liz said...

Hi - love the blog, pics of the kids, and your "messy" junk drawer...not so messy to me...get rid of that ground hog! Liz